


June 2022
Dr Monica Wäber reflects on the complex interrelationships between the natural environment and human influence in the editorial of the journal "Gefahrstoffe".

Press Releases (in German)

July 2022
Biomonitoring in use for environmental monitoring

March 2021
Kale - Superfood in Biomonitoring. An interview with Dr. Katja Hombrecher from the State Agency for Nature, Environment and Consumer Protection (LANUV) of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia.

September 2020
1.5 degrees – with this focus topic, the Association of German Engineers (VDI) shows how engineers can contribute to climate protection and why biomonitoring is one of the focal points - more in the interview with the head of the "Environmental Quality" department.

December 2019
Setting mutual standards for protection against immission impacts – the Specialist Division III of the Commission on Air Pollution Control

November 2017
Biomonitoring guidelines form the foundation for evaluating the impact of immissions

Further examples

May 2013
Graskulturen bilden die Luftsituation in Schulzendorf ab

December 2011
Honigmonitoring - Schulprojekt spürt Folgen des Luftverkehrs nach

September 2011
Nach den Bienen jetzt der Grünkohl: Berliner Flughäfen dokumentieren Luftqualität

May 2010
UMW schlägt die Brücke zwischen Umweltaktivitäten und Umweltkommunikation

Press Material