Scheduled for 2023 VDI expert forum Biomonitoring
in continuation of the forum Biomonitoring – Fit for the future 2020
4 to 5 March 2020 Biomonitoring – Fit for the future
At the VDI expert forum users, authorities, science and interested parties can discuss the quality and communication of proven or new methods and broaden their horizons with the other top topics of biodiversity, pesticides, decline in insect populations and climate change.
12 October 2018 Biomonitoring – Grundlagen, Vorteile, Beispiele (Basics, Benefits, Examples) at the session of an association of transportation infrastructure in Austria, Hochfilzen (Talk)
24 to 25 October 2016 Biomonitoring der Auswirkungen von Emittenten 3rd VDI Conference Anlagenbezogenes Monitoring: neue Anforderungen - neue Konzepte, VDI-Wissensforum, Würzburg (Talk)
24 September 2014 Ergebnisse des Biomonitoring und Bienenmonitoring im Umfeld des Flughafens Berlin Schönefeld 2011 bis 2013, Dialogforum Airport Berlin Brandenburg - AG 2 "Fluglärm", Conference, Schönefeld, 10 am (Talk)
2013 Sustainability and Leadership in the areas of technology and environment (Seminar)
13 to 14 November 2012 Biomonitoring von Immissionswirkungen im Anlagenumfeld VDI Conference Anlagenbezogenes Monitoring, VDI-Wissensforum, Nürtingen (Talk)